Exploration & Exchange


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Exploration & Exchange 12.11.15

Explorers Facebook Project You will make a “Facebook profile” for an explorer. You will need to complete the graphic organizer as a rough draft. Once I see your rough draft, you will get your Facebook template to begin making the final draft. The rough-draft graphic organizer is due on Monday.

Instructions Pay close attention to what is required for each section. Some color is required! You may draw or print pictures. Basic, contact, & personal info Friends, Where I’ve Been map, & 6 wall posts Gather your information on the graphic organizer first, THEN get a final sheet from me.

Exploration & Exchange 12.14.15

Entry Task Please take out your explorer Facebook page so we can set up our gallery (make sure your name is on it). Set up a chart in your notebook like this: Explorer Facts & Info

Explorer Gallery You have 2 tasks as you go around the room: Write down 3 interesting facts about each explorer (all 9, but not your own page) Find 2 Facebook pages (not your own) and assess them based on the rubric