Course Organizer Gateway 1 Major Grades – 60% Projects and Tests Teacher(s): Period: The Course Organizer Student: Course Dates: Course Content This Course: Course Questions: is about Gateway 1 Major Grades – 60% Projects and Tests Daily Grades – 40% Activities Introducing students to engineering and the design process. Why are engineers important? When is it ok to use others’ work you found online? How does the design process help engineers? How is accuracy different than precision? What are variables and subroutines used for? Process: Class Participation Preparation Social Skills
4. Measurement and Sketching Community Principles Learning Rituals Course Map This Course: includes Performance Options Student: Critical Concepts Learned in these Units Gateway 1 Punctual Responsible Independent Determined Enthusiastic ---------- CHAMPS! Engineering Notebook Website Unit Organizers Google Classroom FRAMEs Projects Collaboration Vocabulary Warm-ups Group and class discussions Conference Peer Tutoring Class Notes Websites Engineering Design Process 3-D Modeling Computer Science 7. Future City 1.Digital Citizenship 6. 3-D Modeling 2. Intro to Engineering 5. Computer Science 3. Design Process 4. Measurement and Sketching