2019-2020 Independence High School Online Registration Process Students can use the interactive registration card to refer to while filling out course requests. The interactive form will allow them to access course descriptions, as well as see any required prerequisite courses.
Step 1: Log into your NC Ed Cloud Step 2: Click on PowerSchool
Step 3: Click on Class Registration on the Left Hand Side
Step 4: Selecting Core Classes Select core classes in line with your grade level and teacher recommendations. In grades 9, 10, and 11, all students must pick a math, science, social studies, and english class. Grade 12 students should be aware of remaining required courses to graduate. Social Studies Choices by grade: 9th grade: World History 10th grade: Civics/Econ 11th grade: American History I and II OR AP US History and social studies elective
Step 5: Selecting Elective Classes Core classes + elective classes = 8 classes total After choosing core classes, make sure to pick enough electives to equal 8 classes total, core + elective. Make sure to have an equal number of A/B day classes! *** All students must have taken Health/PE. If a student has not taken it yet, please advise them to sign up for the coming year. If a student is unsure of what level to take for a particular class, please ask them to “self evaluate”/request the level they feel they should be taking. Counselors will follow up with them during the registration process to confirm
Step 6: Choosing Alternate Electives Choose at least 3 alternate elective classes. If you do not choose alternates, counselors will have to choose them for you. You will not be able to change electives if you do not make choices during registration. Once all choices have been made, select “submit” at the bottom of the screen. ROTC, AP Classes, Dream Team, Stu Co, and Yearbook cannot be used as alternates.