Lesson 76 Materials: Ice Cubes, Salt, Paper, Oil, Water, Alcohol, Alcohol Burners, tongs, watch glass, spatula, test tube, stopper and goggles.
Mr. Petersen Bonneville Junior High Lesson 76 8th Grade Mr. Petersen Bonneville Junior High
Self Starter * 40 Points Today’s Learning Objective and Questions Today’s Learning Objective: Students will identify chemical and physical properties of different substances. Essential Question: Give an example of a physical property and a chemical property Answer: Answers will vary (Write something here for an answer).
8th Grade *Glossary List * Portfolio 4 [ 1] Physical Property-
Assignment Log * Portfolio 4 Assignment Number Assignment Title Lesson Number 1 Glossary 75-112 2 Parent Signed Disclosure Statement 75 3 Chemical & Physical Change Lab Sheet 76
Pre Demonstration Questions What is a physical property? What is a chemical property? How can you tell the difference between the two?
Physical Properties Boiling Transparency Color Dissolves in water Melts Density flexibility
Chemical Properties Flammable (burns) Will Rust Poisonous Reacts with acid Changes color
Pass Out The Lab Sheet Assignment 3
Show students the substances Write on your lab sheet all the physical properties you can think of about each of the following items. Ice Cube Salt Oil Water Alcohol
Allow students time to fill out the Analysis Questions: