Muscles and Blood
Title: Muscles and Blood Lesson Objectives - Recall pulse rate and where it is measured - Describe the functions of red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma - Explain how the heart pumps blood by the action of muscles
Describe what the heart does and how it works TASK Describe what the heart does and how it works May be limited to ‘works like a pump’ Ask whether everyone’s hearts beat at the same rate and whether a person’s heartbeat rate ever changes When would a heartbeat get faster? What evidence do you have for this? How would you check that this is true for everyone?
Explaining Tasks – reminds students of the circulatory system (KS2 and 7A) What organ system is this a part of? Circulatory What is the name of the organ that is the pump? Heart What does it pump? Blood Why does it pump? To make sure all your tissues get nutrients and oxygen What tissue in this organ allows it to pump? Muscle Tissue What does this tissue do to make the organ pump? Contracts
INDEPENDENT READING Read about Blood Vessels and Blood on pages 42 and 43 Answer questions 8 and 9 in your book (write the questions out) Q8, Suggest why bone marrow has many capillaries in it? because it needs a lot of oxygen and nutrients for respiration to make new blood cells; or to carry newly made blood cells away and into the body Q9, A. List three main parts of the blood: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells (there are also platelets but these have not been mentioned in the student materials) B. What does each part do? Red blood cells carry oxygen, white blood cells attack microorganisms and plasms carries dissolved substances like carbon dioxide, waste and nutrients. Platelets are involved in blood clotting C. Where are blood cells made? In the bone marrow D. How are red blood cells adapted to their function? They have a large surface area so that oxygen can enter and leave the cells quickly; they have no nucleus so there is more room for haemoglobin
TASK Here are some answers. What were the questions? Pulse rate Arteries Bone marrow Plasma Heart Plenary – Quick check Students should construct questions for each answer. Students then work in pairs, asking each other their questions in a random order Feedback – Read out one answer per table and get students to vote for the most difficult question to write. Students have one vote each, which they cast by raising a hand
EXIT TICKET 4 5 6 Recall pulse rate and where it is measured Describe the functions of red blood cells, white blood cells and plasms 6 Explain how the heart pumps blood by the action of muscles Recall pulse rate and where it is measured - Describe the functions of red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma - Explain how the heart pumps blood by the action of muscles
Draw and label the following for 5 House Points: HOMEWORK CHALLENGE Draw and label the following for 5 House Points: Red blood cell White blood cell Sheet 7Cb-6