DOL level 4 week 15 Analogy heal : doctor - _______: thief float : swim – stand : _______ 1. she never had nothing sent from carols fashion shop 2. we doesnt have no tempera paint at hillcrest elementary school steal walk
Objectives day 1 Students will Recognize homophones Identify Greek roots.
Word Structure day 1 new knew sell cell some very vice whether monarchy biography democracy generation hire higher chews choose Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4
Word Structure day 3 Homophones Think of other homophones hire higher chews choose Line 4 Homophones Think of other homophones
Word Structure day 3 Skills Practice 1 pg 129-130 monarchy biography democracy generation Line 3 Many of our words have Greek roots. Monarchy: mon means “one,” and arch means “ruler” Biography: bio means “life,” and graph means “write”; Democracy: dem means “people,” and cracy means “power”; Generation: gen means “birth.”
Fluency 6 min. reading solution
How has America changed over time? Purpose Big Idea How has America changed over time?
Vocabulary lesson 1 original independence declared settle First Virginia was one of the original colonies. The colonies declared their independence from England. First Freedom from control of another country declared settle John declared that he was rich! The two enemies decided to settle their differences. Past tense of declare; announce. To decide
Vocabulary lesson 1 proper violate contribute Suitable or correct He did all the proper things at the dinner table. He decided to violate the traffic laws. Suitable or correct To fail to obey; to break contribute The family decided to contribute to the poor. To donate money or time
Objectives Students will Work with two sentences on the board and turn them into a compound sentence. Identify conjunctions Write compound sentences and share them with their partners. Apply their knowledge in their skills practice book pages 127-128
Spelling hire higher Through threw Passed past Writes rights frees wood would piece peace flower flour chews choose break brake phrase frays