Capacity Needs Assessment for Rwanda SAKSS
Overall policy context Vision 2020 PSTA I (2004-2008) PSTAII (2009-2012 PSTA III (under preparation) Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS)
Agricultural Policy Context Among first countries to indigenize CAADP principles. Implementation was undertaken through the operation frameworks; Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation (PSTA I, PSTA II and … PSTAIII currently under preparation) Institutional development is one of the programmes under PSTA II; USD 11,450,000 (59% of budget) set aside for institutional strengthening and capacity building
About the Capacity Needs Assessment Study…
Overall Objective Conduct capacity needs assessment Strategic policy analysis and investment planning Monitoring and evaluation, and Knowledge management and sharing Design a capacity development strategy for country SAKSS node
Methodology Desk review Formal and informal interviews using structured questionnaires and checklists Data collection at three level:- Policy, organization and individual level
Status of the study ToRs prepared Data collection tools refined Consultant identified & contracting done Data collection done A draft report prepared Reports reviewed and comments provided to the consultant Second draft being awaited…
Preliminary findings…
Main public policy players MINAGRI; Four directorates, Rwanda Agricultural Development Board (RAB) National Agricultural Export Board (NAEB) MINECOFIN National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR)
Links between public policy players Policy Design Policy Analysis Monitoring & Evaluation Policy Implementation University (e.g. FACAGRO) BNR NISR RAB MINECOFIN NAEB MINAGRI
Agriculture policy process interactions Sub-Sector strategies(e.g. Livestock) Done by the sub-sector working group Validated by the Sector working Group Sector Stragies (e.g. PSTA) Validated by the Sector Working Group convened every year. This feeds to mid-term and multi-sectorial strategies like EDPs term National Strategies ( e.g. EDPRS) This can also feed to long- term country strategies like the 7 years government plan and Vision 2020
Other players Development partners Rwanda Farmer’s Chamber Private Sector Federation Universities IPAR
Capacity assessment…1 Limited number of highly qualified personnel Low diversity of skills and expertise Challenge of attracting and retaining highly qualified staff in public institutions Remuneration gap Research and analysis receives less attention NUR staff spend 30% of the time Limited budgets cited as a common constraint across institutions Physical infrastructure (e.g. computers, telephones, office space) are in general adequate…with some exceptions Limited use of analytical software
Education level of researchers & policy analysts Name of Institution Number of Personnel Highest Education Level Actual Intended PhD M.Sc. BSc BNR 20 2 15 3 NUR/FACAGRO 27 38 10 NISR - MINAGRI 6 16 MINECOFIN 4 RAB 11 65 39 NAEB 1 14 IPAR 19 23
Capacity assessment…2 Knowledge management and communication are given little attention provided as-required basis rather than as a strategy
Thank you!
Additional slides from Alfred Bizoza…
Rwanda SAKSS Establish to facilitate evidence-based planning and implementation of national agricultural sector policies and investments, as well as review and dialogue between government, stakeholders, and development partners that lead to desirable growth and development outcomes Became operational in May 2010 following the appointment of a Coordinator, placed within the Directorate of Planning of MINAGRI and using financial support from USAID-Rwanda
Rwanda SAKSS,… The process of establishing the SAKSS Node and Network of partners has been slow due to: Limited knowledge and guidance on the nature and scope of work required of a Rwanda-SAKSS Architecture of the SAKSS and the role of different actors has not been clear Limited funding
Capacity Development Strategy Articulate a clear work plan of specific activities and outputs given limited resources; Draw a clear framework on technical assistance from the regional ReSAKSS node for East and Central Africa (ReSAKSS-ECA); Strengthen the SAKSS network of technical partners who will undertake the work on strategic and monitoring analysis; Setting up a governance structure that enables key stakeholders to inform the direction of the node; Discuss the staffing and funding gaps