The Vikings May 24, 2012
The Vikings Pagan Warriors from Scandanavia - Norway, Sweden, Denmark Feared and Loathed! Like the Germanic Barbarians they valued strength and skill and battle
Viking Culture Vikings developed advanced sailing technology Expert Navigators Passed down stories called sagas via oral tradition Created Runestones around Europe to commemorate important events and people
Gokstad Ship
Gokstad Excavation 1880 Currently in museum in Oslo Found in 1880 Built in 890 AD
L’anse aux Meadows Briefly settled by Norse Vikings led by Leif Ericson around 1000AD Earliest settlement in North America at UNESCO World Heritage Site
Normandy In 911 AD the King of the Franks was forced to surrender part of Northern France to the Vikings The region became known as Normandy, based on the French word Norman, which means Northmen.