Martin Luther By Mikayla Grant
Who was Martin Luther? Martin Luther forever changed Christianity for he protected all the people from the Catholic Church.Martin was a boy with terrible parents.Once Martins mum whipped him until he bled. And martins father was threatening him so he ran away but his father got him to come home .
What did Martin Luther do? Martin Luther changed Christianity forever because the Catholic Church at the time was in charge of everything and everyone.Everyone believed that you had to pay to go to heaven so the Catholic Church was getting a lot of money.The Catholic Church said you have to go to church and if you didn't go to church back then you could go to jail or even get killed.But Martin Luther changed all of that.He fought against the Catholic Church for the people.
When was Martin Luther born? Luther was born in Germany November the 10 1483.
When did Martin Luther do the important things he did? It started on Halloween in 1517.Luther changed human history when he nailed 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenberg accusing the Roman Catholic Church of heresy.He did all of this around 1517 and 1519.
We're did Martin Luther do the important things he did? Martin Luther did all of this in Rome.
Why did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? Martins main purpose in challenging the church with posting 95 theses was that he disagreed with the church.Theses payments were going to be building the ST Peters Basilica.Martin disagreed with the church because the church were getting people to pay them so they can go to heaven.
How did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? First he nailed 95 Theses to the Church door then he said a lot of mean but true things about the church.Luther wrote bad letters.
How did the Catholic Church try and stop Luther? The church tried to stop Luther by trying to get him and put him in jail.