Capacity Building.


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Presentation transcript:

Capacity Building

What is Capacity? Various types and levels of resources within the community and within an organization such as a coalition The community’s level of readiness to engage in and support prevention efforts Capacity= Resource + Readiness

Capacity: Why is it Important? To “build capacity” means to increase the resources, people, partnerships, coalitions, and skills that are essential to the successful implementation of prevention plans.

Assessing Capacity Identifying and recruiting coalition members Coalition Infrastructure Sustainability Community Readiness Coalition Readiness Capacity workplan; Capacity building activities: improving awareness, building new relationships and strengthening existing relationships, improving organizational resources, developing and preparing prevention workforce, ensuring sustainability

Examples of Capacity Building Ensure the coalition reflects the cultural and ethnic make-up of the community Enhance how the coalition works (i.e. structure, decision making, and planning) Build the community’s resources that support programs, practices and strategies to address alcohol

Capacity Building Activities To improve the ability of the community to deliver substance abuse prevention services by: Improving awareness about underage drinking, binge drinking, and alcohol related crashes Building new relationships and strengthening existing relationships Improving organizational resources Developing and preparing prevention workforce Ensuring sustainability of the project

Capacity Building Involves: Creating sustainable partnerships Developing readiness and leadership Developing cultural competence and building on existing prevention infrastructure Strengthening capacity through education and training on the five steps of the SPF process

Membership Tools: Coalition Roster Community Mapping Recruitment Plan Worksheets 1-3 , Member Recruitment worksheet

Membership Have you done community mapping? When? Do you have membership packets? Do you utilize Coalition Interest Surveys?

Questions for Communities Who are the key stakeholders in your community? Are these individuals actively involved in planning and implementing successful prevention efforts? Who is the connector in your community?

Activity What sector are you missing? Who do you know to fill this sector (organization or individual)? What skills/resources can they bring to the coalition? How are you going to sell the mission/vision of the coalition to them? WIFM? How will you reach out to the potential new members?

What gets/keeps people involved? Role Results Respect Recognition Relationship Reward

Sustaining Coalition Membership Building “ownership” of the vision/mission Engaging in meaningful roles, responsibilities, and activities Providing training Fulfilling their WIFM Providing appropriate recognition Keep people informed Cultivate program champions

Coalition Infrastructure Organizational Chart Coalition By-Laws and Guiding Principles Job Descriptions-Clearly defined roles and responsibilities Guidance documents for the coalition ( Meeting agenda, meeting minutes, MOUs,) Committees: Types of Committees and Roles/Responsibilities Levels of Commitment: Individual & Organization Additional resource: Worksheet 6-18

Community Readiness Readiness is the degree to which a community is prepared to take action on an issue.

Why is Community Readiness Important? If the coalition’s strategic plan selects strategies that are too ambitious for the general population (i.e., arresting adults who purchase alcohol for minors) the coalition is likely to fail because the general population is unwilling to support the efforts.

Community Readiness…. Is very issue-specific Is measurable Is multi dimensional May vary across dimensions May vary across different segments of a community Can be increased successfully Is essential knowledge for the development of strategies and interventions

The Community Readiness Model Is a model for community change that integrates a community’s culture, resources, and level of readiness to more effectively address an issue. Increases community capacity for prevention and intervention Encourages and enhances community investment in an issue

Purpose of the Model The purpose of Community Readiness is to provide communities with the stages of readiness for development of appropriate strategies that are more successful and cost effective.

What the Model CAN Do? Facilitates community-based change Uses a nine stage, multidimensional model Builds cooperation among systems and individuals Helps identify resources Helps identify obstacles Provides an assessment of how ready the community is with respect to accepting an intervention as something that needs doing Identifies types of efforts or strategies that are appropriate to raise community readiness

Dimensions of Readiness Community Efforts (Programs, activities, policies, etc.) Community Knowledge of the Efforts Leadership (formal and informal) Community Climate Community Knowledge of the Issue Resources Related to the Issue (People, time, money, space, etc.)

Who is Interviewed? Individuals may represent: Schools/Universities City/county government Law Enforcement Health and medical professions Social services Mental health and treatment services Clergy or spiritual community Community at large Youth 36 questions, each interview should take 30-60 minutes. Identify 4-6 individuals in your community who are connected to the issue. Try to find people who represent different segments of your community

Stages of Readiness No Awareness Denial Vague Awareness Preplanning Preparation Initiation Institutionalization/stabilization Confirmation/expansion Professionalization

Appropriate Strategies for Readiness Level Strategies worksheets

Capacity Action Plans Capacity Plan for Coalition Membership Capacity Plan for Data Collection/Analysis Capacity Plan for Community Readiness Can implement capacity action plans immediately!! Do not have to wait for the strategic plan. Capacity Work plan example (in binder) Decide what do we build to create community capacity and readiness? An action plan will highlight your strengths and gaps in the areas of community readiness, community resources, organizational resources, community partnerships, and cultural competency

Capacity Plans Step 1: What are your desired outcomes What exactly would you like to see different or further developed in your community system? Step 2: Create your capacity action plans Problem, Goal, Objectives, and Strategies Define Activity Who will take the lead? When will this be accomplished? Step 3: Implement the plan! Example of completed capacity work plan from SD coalition

Capacity Building Success Engagement of stakeholders Community Mobilization Partnerships

Capacity Success Drug Free Marion County is reaching out to neighborhood groups with the development of an alcohol permits remonstration guidebook to help increase community knowledge of the permit process including hearing dates and changes. Monroe County Asset Building Coalition has successfully stopped the issuance of a new liquor license by mobilizing neighborhood families. Monroe County Asset Building Coalition has partnered with State Excise Police on Alcohol Laws reminder posters to be distributed to all alcohol licensees.