SEMPER PARATUS Always prepared/ready Motto of US Coast Guard
SI QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you Motto of the State of Michigan
SIC Thus I found it thus; used when using a direct quote from text to denote misspellings i.e. Her note said “I left because their (sic) was no one home.”
SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS Thus even to tyrants John Wilkes Boothe’s alleged words when killing Lincoln; motto of the State of Virginia
SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI Thus/so passes the glory of the world Everything passes/is transitory; used during the coronation of the Pope
SINE QUA NON Without which not An absolute necessity; indispensable
SUB ROSA Under the rose What’s said in a meeting is confidential; roses suspended above Roman tables to remind guests to keep silent; “what’s said under the rose, stays under the rose”
SUI GENERIS Of its own kind Unique; in a class of its own
SUMMUM BONUM Highest good The supreme good from which all others are derived
TABULA RASA Clean slate Starting over from scratch; newborns are tabula rasa