Warm-Up Journal: Think about a time that you experienced teen angst. Write a one-paragraph narrative in which you explain what happened/is happening and how you felt, how you handled it, etc. You will not be forced to share these, so please feel free to reflect on a sensitive topic, if you feel that will be helpful for you.
Informational Text: “What’s Wrong with the Teenage Mind?” Annotate: Circle KEY WORDS and BIG IDEAS. Highlight unknown vocabulary words. Make sure you are WRITING – add thoughts, connections, comments, reminders, questions. Remember, your paper should be covered with annotations.
Informational Text: “What’s Wrong with the Teenage Mind?” TAPS Graphic Organizer Work with a partner. Complete the graphic organizer.
After Reading… What did you take away from this article? How does it connect? What are some causes of typical teenage problems/teen angst?