Hammurabi’s Code of Laws “ Then Anu and Bel called by name me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak…
5 W’s Who: King Hammurabi of Babylon What: He created codified book of laws When: 1792 B.C.E-1750 B. C. E. Where: Ancient Babylon, modern Iraq Why: To create a fair and somewhat just society; to ensure rules and regulations were enforced
FACTS Code was written on stone slab. Written on 44 columns and 28 paragraphs. The code is a combination of 43 years of cases. Women were inferior to men. The laws varied according to social class and gender. There was distinction between mistake and intent. The code includes many bizarre and gruesome punishments. The code established a minimum wage for workers. The laws were not rediscovered until 20th century There was no law number 13 — it was an unlucky number even then.
Code of Hammurabi It covered variety of issues including marriage, theft, assault, and debt. It begins by laying out the rules of proper legal procedure, with penalties for improper procedure: A person can be put to death for false accusation; bribing is punished; unfair judges are removed; It continues with daily life issues: property right; loans, deposits, and debt; setting the rates for goods and services; family rights; personal injury The Code provided clear rules and clear punishments. Even though the code standardized the laws throughout the land, a person’s social status made a difference in how the laws were applied The code specifically talks about the weak and helpless: orphans and widows, the oppressed and the ones that can not help themselves.