Comparing Fractions Here are four strategies for comparing the size of fractions:
1 - If the denominators are the same, the one with the biggest numerator is greatest. 1/8 ___ 4/8 7/10 ___ 5/10
2 - If the numerators are the same, the one with the smallest denominator is greatest. 5/8 ___ 5/7 1/10 ___ 1/3
3 - You can check if one is greater than half and one is not. 3/4 ___ 4/10 1/3 ___ 5/8
4 - You can change the fractions to equivalent fractions that have the same denominator. 3/5 ___ 4/10 4/12 ___ 2/3
Remember, comparisons are only valid you start with the same size whole.( ½ a large pizza is not equivalent to ½ a small pizza.)
Examples: 1/8 ___ 1/4 2/3 ___ 1/3 4/10 ___ 2/3 2/10 ___ 1/5 1/4 ___ 3/20 3/4 ___ 2/3
Practice: 4/6 ___ 9/12 5/10 ___ 3/5 2/4 ___ 2/3 2/10 ___ 2/8 1/8 ___ 3/8 4/7 ___ 5/8