“Rationalism Unit” A nation is born 1750 – 1800’s
Literary period notes Rationalism Deism Naturally, the universe is orderly and good The universe works like a clock, managing and running itself Reason and rational thought is valued over religious faith, imagination, and intuition Deism God created the universe but “walked away” and left us in control of everything…aka “free will.”
Literary period notes… Note: This period of Rationalism is also often referred to as the “Age of Reason” or the “Enlightenment Period.”
Genre/style a. Political pamphlets b. Travel writing c. Highly ornate (overelaborate) writing d. Persuasive writing
Effect: Patriotism grows, instills pride, creates common agreement between people and shows differences between Americans and Europeans.
Important works/authors BEN FRANKLIN from “The Autobiography” Tells how he strives to live an orderly and good life by adhering to the 13 virtues and practicing them in everyday life.
Important works/authors… THOMAS PAINE from “The Crisis, Number 1” Wrote this to build morale of the soldiers during the American Revolution so they would not leave the war to return home. He claimed even though they are suffering now, God will not desert them because what they are doing is good.
Important works/authors… PATRICK HENRY “Speech in the Virginia Convention” Persuaded early Americans to take armed action against the British because the situation would never improve unless they did.
Your ASSIGNMENT… Read p. 128-131 in your TEXTBOOK to fill in the missing notes for “Historical Background” on your handout.