New Seats—Hold On for Directions
Warm-Up 10/8/13 Look in your notes from Monday. Write down as many types of forces as you came across in the reading. Compare with what your table-mates found!
Items of Business Projects were due yesterday at midnight. Every day that you turn it in late, you are losing points! (It is counting as a test!) This includes those of you who waited until yesterday to ask questions Pass your notes and vocab from yesterday to the front of the room so I can check it.
Tuesday 10/8/13 12.1 Forces
What is a Force? Forces cause an object to Move from rest Accelerate by changing speed or direction
Measuring Force Force is measured by tools like spring scales The unit used is Newtons 1 Newton is the amount of force to accelerate a 1kg object at 1m/s2
Net Force Multiple forces are often acting on an object Net Force= the overall force acting on an object after all of the forces are combined
Balanced Forces Net Force= Zero Opposing forces are equal; they are balanced!
Unbalanced Forces There is acceleration Opposing forces are NOT equal
Your Job Grab a textbook and complete questions 1-2 and 11-14 on pg.385. (these can go on the back of the worksheet) Additionally, complete the Net Force Worksheet. Both are DUE TOMORROW