Password AL-Salman Mohammed Mohammed Ali Rayan Rasheed
Presentation outline Definition for password. where we use the password. The ways to detect the password. How to create a difficult password. How to protect your password. Top list of passwords 2015.
Password Password: is a set of secret characters or words utilized to gain access to: 1- Computer 3-Data 2- Smartphone 4-Programs 2- Web page 5-WI-FI
Password The ways to detect the password: Crack weak password Social Engineering By sniffer programs
Crack the weak password: 1- Dictionary 2- Brute Force Attack is (E3) Example: If the password AA, AB, AC…AZ, A0, A1, A2…A9,BA, BB, BC…BZ, B0, B1, B2…B9....EA, EB, EC…EZ, E0, E1, E2, E3
Crack the weak password
Password Social Engineering
Password Sniffer programs
Password How to create a storing password? 1- Not less than 10 characters. 2- mixture of letters, numbers and symbols. Letters: A,B,a,b….. Numbers:1,2,3,4…. Symbols:` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | : ; " ' < > , . ? / 3- Don’t use one word
Password How to save your password from being stolen ?)Tips( 1- Don't make password the same as the username. 2- Don't write password on paper. 3- Don’t use one password for all your accounts. 4- Don’t save your password on files in your accounts.
Password Top list of passwords 2015
References: Security Fundamentals, TVTC. TeamsID
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