Bellringer: Feb. 2 Complete the bellringer paper. It will be graded. Write with complete sentences and USE YOUR NOTES!!!
Using the organizer.
Writing the Essay Use the organizer to help you write. Here’s how.
Step One: Introduction Paragraph Hook- any kind you want. Get the reader’s attention. Summary- What was the film and the rebuttal about? Thesis- write your main idea here. Be specific and go beyond restating the prompt.
Step 2 – Body Paragraph 1 Develop Reason 1. State your first reason. Give a piece of evidence from the film. Sandwich that piece of evidence with an explanation.
Here’s how to sandwich evidence Another way that Cowperthwaite evokes pity involves showing footage of orca mothers crying for their missing babies. The film shows an orca making high pitched noise and based on the context we can only assume that it is footage shot after the baby was removed. Reasonable humans could not help feeling that the separation SeaWorld has created is wrong and we would identify with a mother missing her child. This example would help her argument because of our sympathetic pity and it also casts SeaWorld in a harsh, unfeeling light.
State your first reason. Give a piece of evidence from the film. Step 3 – Body Paragraph 2 Develop Reason 2. State your first reason. Give a piece of evidence from the film. Sandwich that piece of evidence with an explanation.
State your first reason. Give a piece of evidence from the film. Step 4 – Body Paragraph 3 Develop Reason 3. State your first reason. Give a piece of evidence from the film. Sandwich that piece of evidence with an explanation.
Step 5 – Counterargument Start with writing about how people could say that YOUR ARGUMENT is wrong. Give a piece of evidence which those people could use. Explain why that reason and evidence doesn’t work.
Step 6: Conclusion Paragraph Restate your main ideas. Leave the audience with your opinion. Give us something to think about or to do about the issue.
Exit ticket Where are you with your graphic organizer? Are you finished? Still need to do the counter-argument? Need help with the reasons? Homework: Have the graphic organizer completed for Thursday.