Reactions of Acids
3 Types of chemical reactions of acids are: Acid + Metal -> Salt + Hydrogen Acid + Carbonate -> Salt + Carbon dioxide + Water Acid + Base -> Salt + Water
Salts are ‘ionic’ compounds made up of 2 parts: The positive ions (taken from the metal on the metal part of the carbonate base). i.e. Sodium Na+ Magnesium Mg Potassium K+
Negative ions (From the acids) i.e. Hydrochloric HCl Nitric HNO3 Sulphuric H2SO4 Salt Names: Remember this form “ions”-These are two words made up of the blend of the positive and negative ions. Eg. Sodium Sulphate NaS04
How do we do this? Salt Formula: These are obtained by combining the ion formulae and then balancing their charges.
For example: Na2 SO4 2Na+ 1 x SO4= 2+ & 2= Charges Balance
Other reactions Besides the main three: metals, carbonates and acid + base We know acids cause acid rain Are important to remember with pools and chlorine BUT they also affect our stomach
Acids and your stomach Acid in your stomach helps break down food Too much can cause issues Pain Ulcers Etc. Page 12 booklet
antacids Things that neutralise the stomach acids -how many can we list Read page 13 booklet and page 78 text SCI FILE DO THE QUESTIONS ON THE PAGE MAY DO the prac pg 84 - evaluating antacids