ASL 2 - KERCE What’s students need for class @mrskerce Email: Website: Phone number: 682-867-8748 New TEA guidelines! Foreign Language is now considered a CORE class in Texas. How does this effect my child? There is no longer a “minimum plan”. If you child wants to graduate, they will need to complete 2 years of a foreign language. Don’t let them fall behind! Notebooks Notebooks will be graded at the end of the 6 weeks. Students will be graded based on organization of their binder. Students will be given time at the end of class to put papers in their notebooks. I will be helping them everyday by showing them how I expect their notebooks to be set up. This is a test grade and should be an easy 100 ! Schedule 1st - ASL 2 2nd – ASL 2 3rd – ASL 2 4th – Conference 5th – ASL 2 6th – ASL 2 7th – ASL 2 8th – Conference Get Text Updates!! What’s students need for class Pen or Pencil Notebook paper (college ruled) ½ in binder Notebook tabs Flash drive (recommended) An email account (recommended) A youtube account (recommended) *Youtube and email accounts will be used for video assignments. Once videos are graded, students can remove the video from account. 616-217-2044 Message: @mrskerce 7am & during lunch. Students need to sign up in the tutorial calendar so I know they are coming. Anything can be made up for full credit! I just want to see an effort on their part! TUTORIALS
Make up Work READING DAYS All assignments for the 6 weeks will be on the class calendar given to the students at the beginning of each 6 weeks. A copy can also be found on my website under “class handouts”. If your child is absent….. Students can make up assignments during tutorial times or on reading days. If the assignment permits, I can also upload the video to my website. However, most videos do not allow me to do this because of copy right laws. Students have until a specific deadline before the 6 weeks is complete to turn in all daily work. After that time, the assignment will be a 0. If your student misses a test, there will be 2 specific make up days that they must go to in order to make it up. Student may also retake tests for full credit if they are not satisfied with their original grade. Late work/Absent work will be entered into the gradebook as a 0 until the assignment is turned it. This does not mean it will stay that way, but I want them to see what the consequences will be if it is not turned in. IF your child does not have their project the day it’s due… A late project will only be accepted for half credit the next class (50%). If the student doesn’t have the project the following class, it will once again have ½ the credit taken off (25%). After the 3rd day it is not in class, the student’s project will then not be accepted and be entered as a 0 in the gradebook. Students will have 2 classes a 6 weeks In which they will spend the class Reading a novel with deaf characters. What’s the purpose? To expose students to some of the differences between hearing and deaf cultures. How students are graded Reading notes – taken each Time students have reading day Voice Off Grade – Students must Remain voice off on reading days. If they talk, sleep, play on their phone, or work on something else they will lose points. Book Report – This will be due at The end of each semester. This is Not an AP English book report, it Is more like an elementary school Book report. Very doable! This is Also a test grade. “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein