What’s keeping us awake at night? Rajinder Bhuhi, Pete Hitchings What’s keeping us awake at night?
Who you are Values and career choices Personal impact and networking Confidence and resilience Commercial awareness
Who we are How can we respond to changes in our industry? How can we develop our income streams? How can we grow whilst maintaining our uniqueness? How can we reach out to new customers and what can we offer them?
Who we are
Challenge 5 mins - Read brief 20 mins - Discuss in groups and agree top 3 recommendations (with practical steps to implement)
appointment reflecting on Business Insight Programme Recruiting Businesses (August) Recruiting Students (October) Week 1 Intro & Networking Week 2 Visit Business Leaders Week 3 Present to Business Leaders & participants Week 4 Mock Assessment Centre & Reflection Follow up One-to-one appointment reflecting on experience & reviewing CV
Who we’ve worked with so far…
Impact “Enabled me make a more focused career decision” “As a law student it gave me a good insight into how the commercial challenges, application processes and a day in the life of a solicitor” “I was able to get a clear insight on what I needed to do to get the job I want” “Enabled me make a more focused career decision” “Felt cathartic to share my pain!” Mike Dalzell, Head of Regeneration, Leic City Council “Please keep getting students in the real world...” Jane Albion, MD Natures Purest “An impressive presentation considering the timescales and amount of research required” Jim Willis, MD Bulb Studios
How everyone benefits Students Exploration Skills development Networking Businesses Capacity Perspective Development opportunity University Skills development Relationship building Outcomes
Future Developments Leicester Award Leicester Award Gold Delivered through the curriculum Including 10 hours of experiential learning Reflection and articulation of skills developed Business Insight – with SME employers Leicester Award Gold Those who complete Leicester Award Unlocks access to exclusive opportunities Experiences with a variety of employers Catalysts for Change with Teach First Future Leaders – with Enterprise Rent-A-Car Ideas into Orbit – with Airbus Digital Potential – with FDM 5 mins students participate in skills development programme Leicester Award. Leicester Award completers gain access to a number of exclusive opportunities to start more advanced skills development programme ‘Leicester Award Gold’. These are made up of programmes working directly with employers, from FDM, to ERAC. Business Insight forms one of these and gives students the chance to meet with local successful organisations to gain insight into the sectors and develop their commercial awareness. How fits in with LA Gold suite Hackathon – with RBS