Getting to Know You Card Activity
Partner Work Activity Conversation Help Integrity Effort Value Listen Activity Working with the person sitting next to you Conversation Quietly discussion pertaining to the subject Help EDs may be used to access notes or other educational material only No Music Raise your hand if you need help Integrity Collaborate - Do not copy answers. Effort Reading Directions Referencing your notes Discussing quietly Value Social Learning Efficiency Turn in your card to the basket when you are done.
Ms. Roderick *Turn in your card to the basket when you are done. Answer these questions on the lined side of your card: What do you do in your free time? What is your favorite subject in school? Why? What is your least favorite subject? Why? What grade do you hope to get in this class? What is your favorite way to learn? (hands on, visual, games, projects?) Do you like group work or individual work? What is your biggest fear?