NO ENTRANCE TICKET TODAY 10/25/13 NO ENTRANCE TICKET TODAY Put journals in pile on front table. Use your notes/neighbor to figure out #3 on HW I’m passing back. On desk: RPS Game Reflections (I’m passing back)
Keynesian or Trickle-Down & why? Socialism Capitalism
------------------------------ JOBS: KEYNESIAN ECON. THEORY PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ------------------------------ JOBS: ________________________________________ “Bigger” Government ______________ ___________ Small private businesses _____________ _____________ Large private businesses Less Wealthy Americans Wealthy Americans
TRICKLE-DOWN ECON. THEORY __________ ______________________________________ Wealthy Americans Large private businesses ______________ _____________ _______________________________________ “Smaller” Government Small private businesses _____________ PUBLIC SERVICES: fewer, less quality fewer public jobs, more private jobs Less Wealthy Americans
10/25/13 Econ. Agenda My Economic System (final project, Quarter 1) HW: My Econ. System Project due Tues. – end of class
My Economic System Project (final Q1 project)
U.S. Economic System Type: Explanation How does the U.S. get its money? How does the U.S. govt. spend its money? Individual Income Taxes High Medium Low President Obama’s Proposed Budget (2014): Medicare = % Military = % Education = % Etc. Total revenue = Total spending = Corporate Income Taxes Large Small Effective What goods & services are paid for privately? Examples, examples, examples, examples
Harrison’s Economic System Type: Explanation Trickle-Down economic theory because… How does my govt. get its money? How does Harrison’s govt. spend its money? Individual Income Taxes (lower than U.S. govt.) High Medium Low President Delfin’s Proposed Budget (2014): Medicare = % (more than U.S. govt.) Military = % (more than U.S. govt.) Education = % (more than U.S. govt.) Etc. Total revenue = (less than U.S. govt.) Total spending = (less than U.S. govt.) Corporate Income Taxes (higher than U.S. govt.) Large Small Effective? What goods & services are paid for privately? (more than U.S. govt.) Examples, examples, examples, examples