School Information Public School Located in Cambridge, Maryland Approximately 500 students Serves Prek thru Fifth Grades All students (except PreK) receive 45 minutes of media instruction once a week Students check out books, learn media skills, keyboarding, and computer skills
SIT Data
Concerns At least the 5 past years, NO money has been allocated for the media center! The only money available to purchase books has come from: lost book fund, donations, and profits from Scholastic Book Fairs. (About $1,000 -$2,000 yearly) The past two years the County awarded two schools annually $30,000 to update collections. These funds have been cut and Sandy Hill did not receive any of these monies.
COLLECTION DATA A collection analysis was run to determine the age of the collection. The average age of the collection is 1988. Non-fiction ranges between 1976 -1997 Fiction averages 1988 Biography averages 1984 Everybody books averages 1982
Average Age of Sections
Is each section equal?
The Sad Story of the Non-fiction
CIRCULATION Book usage, determined by checkouts from the past years data shows that * everybody books are checked out most frequently * fiction is second * science is third * biography is fourth
The fiction section is busy!
Action Plan Administration will receive a copy of the budget proposal with plans to designate a percentage of the materials of instruction to be allocated to the media center. They will also be shown what poor condition the media center books are in and the analysis of the collection. PTA will be approached about helping allocate funds to begin restoring the media center. Book Fairs will be held in the fall and spring to raise profits for the media center. Lost Book Money will buy promotional materials to be used within the media center.
What we ordered? Go to Titlewave to see!
Our Budget Products/Supplies Cost Follett (Books) Demco (Supplies for Processing) EBSCO (Magazine Orders Grand Total: $
Evaluation Circulation statistics will be kept to see if the circulation increases after new books are received. Through this data the PTA and the school administration will be kept updated of the success of the new books and will help build their confidence in designating money to the media center.
Resources Donham, J. (2008). Enhancing teaching and learning: A leadership guide for school library media specialists. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Libraries, A. A. (1998). Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning. Chicago: American Library Association. Small, R. V., J. Snyder, and K. Parker. (2009). The impact of New York’s school libraries on student achievement and motivation: Phase I. School Library Media Research 12. (retrieved: Jan. 4, 2010). EBSCO Magazine DEMCO Magazine Titlewave (Resource of Follett)