OVERVIEW OF SOMALIA Learning Target: Understand the connection between physical geography, economic stress, and conflict. Focus Question: Use the class set to answer the following questions in your notebook: What are the issues Somalia faces? How would you identify these issues (Political? Economic? Geographic? Social?)
POLITCS OUTLINE Regime Change Black Hawk Down Terrorism
#1 Regime change
Political Snap-Shot 1960 – Independence 1991 – Overthrow of the military regime; Anarchy Instead of fighting among different ethnic or religious groups, the fighting here is among different clans of the same tribe.
#2 Black Hawk Down
International Importance: Black Hawk Down In 1993, President Clinton sent special forces to remove a warlord and deliver food to the starving. Instead, the armed bands with machine guns and grenade launchers killed 19 soldiers and wounded 75.
Aftermath of Black Hawk Down Lessons from Somalia affected decisions not to intervene in Rwanda, and intervene in Bosnia. Clinton in Rwanda Clinton in Bosnia/ Kosovo
#3 Terrorism
TERRORISM: Al-Shaba 2006 - capital and southern region seized by Islamist shariah courts causing intervention from Ethiopian and African Union forces 2012 – new internationally-backed government was installed but still face challenges from Al-Qaeda-aligned Al-Shabab insurgents.
Westgate Mall Attack In Sept. of 2013, the Islamist group al-Shabaab attacked a shopping mall on a Saturday at about noon in neighboring Kenya. Fighting with armed policemen continued for the next 48 hours, with hostages being held up through the first 24 hours.
Westgate Mall Attack – cont’d In all, 63 lives were claimed, as well as four attackers. Why did they do it? To exact revenge for the Kenyan military’s involvement in Somalia.
#1 Drought & Famine
Famine and Drought
#2 Piracy in somalia
Piracy in Somalia Due to few opportunities in Somalia, people are drawn into piracy. GDP per capita is only about $600. This means that each person in Somalia lives on about $1.64 per day. Pirates have received over $150 million during the year prior to November 2008.
Expansion of Pirate Operations
Somalia’s Future: Answer in notebook Who has been keeping Somalia “alive” and what will happen if they leave? Who will likely seize control if the government collapses? Where are the government officials living? Why? What are the 2 possibilities to avert a bloodbath? Which one seems better to you? Why?
Blackout Poetry: Somalia Using the article, blackout some of the words to write a poem about Somalia