(forces) Day 2 science
Forces make things move. A force can either be -
Or Pull
A unit of force describes how strong the force is.
If two forces touch the same thing, they are parallel
Are these people parallel forces?
YES!!!! YES!
Are these dogs parallel forces?
Are these people parallel forces?
Are these people parallel forces?
NO! They are touching different things!
Who has the most force? Arm wrestling competition- turn to the person next to you, and grab hands. Try to push your partner’s hand down. Whoever pushes the other’s hand down first wins. If you lose, walk to the back of the classroom. If you win, find a new partner. Repeat until there is one winner left.
Now- classroom winner must arm wrestle the entire class AT THE SAME TIME
When parallel forces work together, they add on to each other. One strong kid can win against another kid, but can’t win against 30 other kids.
Balanced forces: when parallel forces going different ways are equal, an object will not move.
Let’s balance forces! (tug of war activity) We divide the class in two, with half the students standing on each side of the rope. Every student must pull on the rope as hard as they can. The side that pulls the rope to them wins. One student from the winner’s side must move to the loser’s side. We then try to pull to rope again. We repeat this until the forces of each side are balanced and the rope can not be pulled to either side.
Homework: Due Tomorrow *The homework will be out of 100 points. *Each question is worth 25 points *You will receive 20 points for each question JUST FOR TRYING TO ANSWER IT. If you answer the question correctly, you will receive 25 points. - So if you try to answer every question, but do not answer any correctly, you will receive a score of 80 - If you try to answer every question and answer 1 correctly, you will receive a score of 85 - If you try to answer every question and answer 2 correctly, you will receive a score of 90 - If you try to answer every question and answer 3 correctly, you will receive a score of 95 - If you try to answer every question and answer them all correctly, you will receive a score of 100 !!!! - If you do not try to answer any of the questions, you will receive a score of 0 (so do your homework!) (For every day the homework is late, you will lose 10 points, unless you were sick.) *You can work with friends, look at your text book, and even ask teacher for help! * When the homework is graded, we will go over the answers in class. KEEP IT TO STUDY FOR TESTS LATER.