Comparitivos y Superlativos Advertisement Examples and Project Rubric
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Ahora es tu turno!!! Now that you have seen some examples on how the comparative and superlative forms are used in advertisements, it is your turn to create your own! For this project, you will be making your own advertisement for a product that already exists, or one that you make up. You must use the comparative/superlative in your advertisement. Be sure to make your advertisement convincing and eye-catching! You will be graded on the following: Product to be advertised. – 5 points Accurate use of comparative/superlative – 10 points Neatness and creativity – 5 points Presentation to the class – 5 points Total Points: 25 Points This project is to be done individually, but feel free to collaborate with one another! For those that go above and beyond, up to 5 extra credit points will be awarded!