dis - not, none
disadvantage (noun) An unfavorable situation that is not good
Students who do not memorize their multiplication facts face a major disadvantage as they try to learn new math concepts. Poor diet is a disadvantage for people because it causes health problems.
disagreement (noun) A quarrel; not able to come to an agreement; not of the same opinion
Good character includes solving disagreements peacefully Good character includes solving disagreements peacefully. The couple had a disagreement over which movie to watch.
disappoint (verb) To let someone down; to not make someone proud or satisfied
Maria studied hard for her science test because she did not want to disappoint her teacher. Jake hoped his favorite team would not disappoint him when they played in the Super Bowl.
discontinue (verb) To end something; to not use anymore; cease
The newspaper lacked justification for its claims so the readers felt compelled to discontinue reading it. The family did not watch TV very often so they discontinued the cable service.
dismal (adjective) Not good; depressing; dreary; bleak
The dismal weather made the woman want to climb back into her comfortable bed. If you do not study, your grade will be dismal.
disobedient (adjective) Not following the rules
Disobedient behavior can cost you friends and the respect of others Disobedient behavior can cost you friends and the respect of others. The disobedient dog needs special training so he does not cause more problems.
disorganized (adjective) Messy; not neat; not able to find things
When Chase finally cleaned his disorganized desk, he found his missing pencil. “How do you find anything in that disorganized room of yours?” asked Mom.
disposable (adjective) Not worthy of being kept; easily given or thrown away; able to be easily replaced
Her mom bought her a disposable camera to use on the field trip Her mom bought her a disposable camera to use on the field trip. When the Cabajs have big parties, they use disposable plates and utensils to lessen the amount of dishes to wash.
disrespectful (adjective) Not polite; rude; not courteous
Nobody enjoys being around disrespectful people Nobody enjoys being around disrespectful people. In some cultures, it is disrespectful to look adults in the eye.
disturb (verb) To bother or pester; not leaving someone alone
Please place the “Do Not Disturb” sign on your hotel doorknob if you would like housekeeping to skip your room. After the sleeping bear was disturbed, she growled ferociously.