Interstate Commerce Act 1887
Notecard… Name: Please number 1-5 on your notecard
Trading game Open your bag, make sure no one sees what's in your bag. 1: Rate 1-5 of how happy you are with the item you received 1 being very unhappy 5 being extremely happy
Trading game Now take the item out of your bag. Look around the room and see what everyone else received. 2: Based upon what everyone else received please rate your level of happiness in your item from 1-5. 3: Did your level of happiness change? Why or why not?
Trading game Take a one minute to trade items with your group, you do not have to trade. You can only trade with your group.
Trading game Each member in your group will receive 20 dollars You must pay taxes to trade with other groups in the room, the railroad companies charge these fees if you trade across interstate (group) boundaries. If you trade with a group right next to your group it will cost 10 dollars per person that is involved in the trade. If you trade with a group over one group of desks away it will cost you 30 dollars per person to trade. You will have 5 minutes to conduct your business, please pay Mr. Davis your railroad taxes if you trade with another group.
Trading game 4: Now that you have had a chance to trade with people in other groups please rate your happiness from 1-5 based upon the item you ended with. 5: Do you think the railroad taxes helped or hurt the trade market? Why?
Trading game At the end of the activity did your happiness level go up/down or stayed the same?
Interstate Commerce Act A US law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry. The Act required that railroad rates be "reasonable and just," but did not empower the government to fix specific rates. It also required that railroads publicize shipping rates and prohibited short haul or long haul fare discrimination, a form of price discrimination against smaller markets, particularly farmers.