ROAR Behavior of the Week If you need help with your homework or classwork, reach out to your teacher. It is important to show them you care about doing a good job on an assignment.
Word of the Day Monday arcane (adjective): mysterious or secret, understood by only a few Sample sentence: Because it is no longer taught in schools, people are concerned that cursive writing will become arcane. .
Word of the Day Tuesday contract (verb): decrease in size, number, or range Sample sentence: When Susan walked out into the daylight, her pupils began to contract.
Word of the Day Wednesday dismay (verb): distress caused by something unexpected Sample sentence: I felt a great deal of dismay when the author killed off my favorite character.
Word of the Day Thursday integrate (verb): combine one thing with another so that they become a whole Sample sentence: The activists marched and protested to integrate the schools so children of all races could learn together.
Word of the Day Friday principle (noun): a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief Sample sentence: Our company operates on the principle that the customer is always right.
ACT Practice Problems of the Day Monday - Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday - Friday -
ACT: Did you know? ACT Science Tip: About diseases… Endemic = Small Area Epidemic = Widespread Area Pandemic = Universal They are worse in alphabetical order!