Reflecting on the Viability of Liberalism Chapter 14 Reflecting on the Viability of Liberalism
To what extent should we embrace an ideology? Key Issue To what extent should we embrace an ideology?
To what extent are the values of Liberalism viable? Related Issue To what extent are the values of Liberalism viable?
Chapter Issue To what extent are the values of liberalism justified in response to issues today?
Question for Inquiry #1 In what situations should liberal values be limited?
What challenges can force societies to reconsider liberalism? Question for Inquiry #2 What challenges can force societies to reconsider liberalism?
Key Terms Anti-Terrorism Act Censorship Emergencies Act Pandemics Racism Resource use and development Terrorism USA Patriot Act War Measures Act
Chapter Introduction Liberalism has both supporters and critics. This chapter will look at the issues of today and explore how they fit in with liberalism, or if they even do.
Limiting the Values of Liberalism (Pg 365) You enjoy the benefits fo liberalism everyday without even thinking about it Express yourself freely Consider yourself being judged as an individual on your own merits. Go where you please based on your own self-interest
Limiting the Values of Liberalism (Pg 365) However, sometimes it is believed by many that we need to put limits on liberalism.
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act We have discussed the war measures act in the last chapter, in this one we will look more in depth. Recall that the War Measures Act has only been used three times, do you remember which three?
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act The first incidence of The War Measures Act was in WWI Police were allowed to detain people suspected of disloyalty to Canada or sympathetic with the enemy (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ukraine)
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act These detainees were kept in difficult conditions in internment camps throughout the country The majority of these people were Canadian citizens and not prisoners of war.
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act Others who were not detained were required to report to local authorities every month and others still were disenfranchised, meaning their vote was taken away from them.
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act (Pg 367) All of these people had rights taken away from them because of the War Measures Act Many of these people were detained until 1920 well after the war and after the War Measures Act was suspended.
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act (Pg 367) The second time the War Measures Act was enabled was during the WW II Canada was at war with Japan, Italy and Germany. Many people of these nationalities, especially Japanese were arrested or detained.
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act (Pg 367) The Japanese of British Columbia were the most widely affected. They were perceived to be of the greatest threat because of their location on the west coast
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act (Pg 367) The were moved to remote communities in land and they were told that they could go back to their homes and businesses after the war. However, in 1943 all of the possessions, businesses and homes were sold off.
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act (Pg 367) Italian men were also victims of the War Measures Act Some were detained, others were told that Italian cultural meetings were no longer allowed and teaching of the Italian language became illegal
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act (Pg 367) The government restricted the rights of these groups due to fear and anger. Certain vocal segments of the populous convinced the government that these methods were required.
Limiting Individual Rights: The War Measures Act (Pg 367) How do you feel about the way Canada used the War Measures Act during WWI and WWII?
Limiting Individual Rights: The Emergencies Act (Pg 368) In 1988 the Emergencies Act replaced The War Measures Act This was done to give greater protection to individual rights and freedoms
Limiting Individual Rights: The Emergencies Act (Pg 368) The Emergencies Act is meant to cover situations such as Public Welfare Emergencies Natural disasters Public Order Emergencies Terrorist attacks International Emergencies Threats to Canadian Sovereignty War Emergencies
Limiting Individual Rights: Responding to Terrorism (Pg 369) Terrorism has become a major concern for some people New security measures can be seen all over including malls, airports, public spaces.
Limiting Individual Rights: Responding to Terrorism (Pg 369) Terrorism has caused many governments to pass new legislation to deal with the new perceived threat The Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act is one piece of legislation that gives more powers to law enforcement.
Limiting Individual Rights: Responding to Terrorism (Pg 369) Some of these powers include, wire tapping, increased searching and seizing powers and detainment of suspected terrorists
Limiting Individual Rights: Responding to Terrorism (Pg 369) As mentioned the Senate created a “sunset clause” that would suspend the most restrictive parts of this bill after five years They did expire in 2007
Limiting Individual Rights: Responding to Terrorism (Pg 369) The Anti-Terrorism Act defines a terrorist as follows An act or omission of an act that would intimidate the public with regard to security with the intent to Endanger lives Cause death or injury Risk health Cause serious public or private property damage Disrupt an essential service
Limiting Individual Rights: Responding to Terrorism (Pg 369) Like anything, some people agree with this act and other disagree. Opponents believe it could lead to racial profiling, and abuse certain individuals or groups.
Limiting Individual Rights: Responding to Terrorism (Pg 369) Others are opponents of the Act because it does not go far enough They believe that more individual liberties should be suspended in order to protect the safety of all.
Limiting Individual Rights: The USA PATRIOT Act (Pg 371) The USA in 2001 also passes their version of legislation that attempted to fight terrorism and protect citizens of that country Supporters believe this act makes it difficult for terrorist organizations to function in that country
Limiting Individual Rights: The USA PATRIOT Act (Pg 371) Opponents of the PATRIOT Act suggest that the powers went too far and the bill was passed to quickly to consider the implications of those powers.