1st Day of School Name Cards
Write this information on the front (blank side) On the top right-hand corner, draw pics/symbols that represent 2 or 3 hobbies you enjoy. On the top left-hand corner, draw a picture or symbol that describes you as a reader / and a pic/symbol that describes you as a writer. First and Last name period # On the bottom left-hand corner, draw or write an accomplishment (something you have done in life) that you are proud of. On the bottom right-hand corner, draw or write an important goal you have this year.
Write this information on the inside of your card Write this information on the inside of your card. DO NOT copy the prompts – Just write the info. Age: ____ Place of birth: Town you live in: 3 words that describe your personality: Adults you live with (mom, dad, grandparents, etc.): # of brothers: # of sisters: Of these people, the person I am closest to is:__________ Languages you speak besides English: Do you have trouble seeing far away? Do you wear contacts or eyeglasses? Where do you prefer sitting? What can the teacher do to help you succeed this year? What can you do to succeed this year? Do you have any questions or comments for me?
If you are done early, you may decorate the front of your name card and wait quietly while others are done. Please turn in your name card to me before leaving.
Share info. Share with elbow partner Share with group Introduce partner to class