Bicycle Wrench Analysis ME450: Computer-Aided Engineering Analysis Department of Mechanical Engineering, IUPUI Instructor: Dr. Koshrow Nematollahi Bicycle Wrench Analysis Danny Compton Adam Douglas Phil Palmer
OBJECTIVES Perform finite element analysis of a Bicycle Wrench using ANSYS Workbench. Evaluate stress and deformation resulting from applied loads and constraints. Evaluate that this design is satisfactory and will not fail during use.
The Bicycle Wrench design blueprint INTRODUCTION The Bicycle Wrench design blueprint
INTRODUCTION CONTINUED… The Bicycle Wrench design intent is to simplify the model orientation of the wrench using FEA Analysis. To know what the best material for production of wrenches should be used. Example + Pro E Model = FEA Analysis
INTRODUCTION CONTINUED… Normal loading conditions were chosen to be 10N and 100N being applied to the wrench. Analyzing these forces on the wrench is very beneficial when determining what material to use, and how much force that material will with stand.
Theoretical Background 10-node tetrahedral elements were used to mesh the model. Well suited for modeling models with curved boundaries and are very accurate.
BOUNDARIES Use of ANSYS Workbench Maximum number of nodes = 550 nodes Total number of elements = 54 Use of properties of Aluminum Use of properties of Steel
BOUNDARIES Properties of Aluminum / Steel Steel Aluminum 6061
ANALYSIS (Pre-Processing) The part was modeled in Pro/Engineer and imported into ANSYS Workbench All parts were assigned properties of Aluminum 6061 / Steel alloy construction Factor of safety of 3 was applied on the part, telling us our tensile strengths, from which we could determine if the wrench would fail. Fixed support was assigned at the left edge of the wrench Design was statically analyzed
ANALYSIS (Pre-Processing) Meshing The imported model was meshed and 550 nodes were obtained Using ANSYS Workbench, parts were suppressed 550 nodes
ANALYSIS - Final Model LOADING MESH 10N & 100N force applied on right edge of wrench Fixed support applied at left edge 550 Nodes 54 Elements
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Principal Stresses Shear Stresses Maximum Deformation
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Principal Stresses Steel – Loading (10N) Maximum Principal stress of 1.189e6 Pa Yield stress for Steel alloy is 2.5e8 Pa Maximum stresses occur where the part potentially failed
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Shear Stresses Steel – Loading (10N) Maximum shear stress of 6.180e5 Pa Passed
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Maximum Deflection Steel – Loading (10N) Max. Deflection of 7.296×10-6 m
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Principal Stresses Steel – Loading (100N) Maximum Principal stress of 1.189e7 Pa Yield stress for Steel alloy is 2.5e8 Pa Maximum stresses occur where the part potentially failed
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Shear Stresses Steel – Loading (100N) Maximum shear stress of 6.180e6 Pa Passed
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Maximum Deflection Steel – Loading (100N) Max. Deflection of 7.296×10-5 m
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Principal Stresses Aluminum 6061 – Loading (10N) Maximum Principal stress of 1.187e6 Pa Yield stress for Aluminum alloy is 1.15e8 Pa Maximum stresses occur where the part potential failed
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Shear Stresses Aluminum 6061 – Loading (10N) Maximum shear stress of 6.199e5 Pa Passed
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Maximum Deflection Aluminum 6061 – Loading (10N) Max. Deflection of 2.083×10-5 m
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Principal Stresses Aluminum 6061 – Loading (100N) Maximum Principal stress of 1.187e7 Pa Yield stress for Aluminum alloy is 1.15e8 Pa Maximum stresses occur where the part potential failed
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Shear Stresses Aluminum 6061 – Loading (100N) Maximum shear stress of 6.199e6 Pa Passed
ANALYSIS (Solution Phase) Maximum Deflection Aluminum 6061 – Loading (100N) Max. Deflection of 2.083×10-4 m
Impact Statement Through the use of finite element analysis on the bicycle wrench, we determined that both the 6061 Aluminum and structural steel propose no risk of structural failure in normal operating conditions.
Conclusion - Advantages of Final Iteration Using the same properties for density and the volume given in ANSYS, we calculated the mass of the wrench for both steel and 6061 aluminum: Volume 9.22E-05 m3 Mass (steel) 0.723927 kg Mass (aluminum) 0.000249 kg
Conclusion - Advantages of Final Iteration The cost difference of 6061 aluminum and structural steel can be seen below, which was used to calculate the cost per cubic foot of the material. $ per ft3 6061 Aluminum 1223.16 Structural Steel 1101.60
Conclusion - Advantages of Final Iteration Our final analysis for this wrench is that if the consumer is looking for a lighter weight tool, the aluminum would be the best choice. If strength and cost are more important to the consumer than the structural steel would be the best choice.
Bibliography ME 450 Course Text ANSYS Website