LVAD Wireless Power Transfer Test Rig Customer Needs Introduction The customer has requested the design and creation of a wireless power transmission device, and a test rig for it as well. The LVAD (Left Ventricle Assist Device) Power Test Rig will be used to quantify the abilities of the Wireless Power Transmission device, some of which include input and output power and the heat generated. We will be working alongside another group, 12026, they are responsible for the design of the device. Final Design and Concepts Model / Testing Different Design Concepts: How did we arrive at our final design? Explain the different options we went with. Included final CAD model. Conclusions What went well, what didn’t? What still needs doing? Any improvements? Things done differently? Acknowledgements: Dr. Stephen Day – Customer Edward Hanzlik – Faculty Guide Neil … Erin Mcnally – ME Pedro Baez – ME Kris Stichter – ME Paul Parthermore – EE