The Legend of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table Romantic Literature and The Romantic Hero
The Origins of Arthur Historians have several theories Son of Roman general Celtic chieftain Origins are from Wales, a part of Great Britain Very famous and legendary leader or general First appears in writing in the 6th century First collected stories, Morte d’Arthur by Thomas Malory in 1469.
Map of Arthurian England
Characteristics of Romantic Literature Follows the Code of Chivalry, a knight’s social and moral code of conduct; this deals with courage, loyalty, honor, and generosity Idealizes the hero; the knight and his deeds are honorable, reliable, and loyal.
Romantic Literature cont’d A knight’s love for his lady Concealed or disguised identity; face must not reveal one’s identity while on a mission Contains a supernatural element Settings are imaginary, much is unreal
Characteristics of the Romantic Hero Champion of Freedom and Justice Courageous and assertive Superhuman/supernatural Unfailing loyalty Devoted to duty or the worthy cause Resourceful and decisive
Romantic Hero Characteristics cont’d Curious Obscure and/or lonely at times Inspiration to others Acts from a desire for knowledge or adventure – the quest
Legendary Arthurian Characters King Arthur Son of Uther Pendragon and Egraine Taken from parents by Merlin Adopted by Sir Ector, given by Merlin Brother and squire to Sir Kay Knows nothing about his origins until he pulls sword from the stone Rules fairly with new morals –might for right
Legendary Arthurian Characters Merlin – Sorcerer or wizard Lives backward on time Practices white magic Changes Uther into likeness of Egraine’s husband Makes bargain with Uther for Arthur as a baby Mentor and tutor to young Arthur Represents pagan (before Christians) traditions Trapped in cave by his love, never to return
Legendary Arthurian Characters Uther Pendragon Falls in love with Egraine, the wife of the Duke of Gorlois Fights with Duke of Gorlois over his wife Demands Merlin change him into likeness of Egraine’s husband Duke of Gorlois is killed in battle Releases the baby Arthur to Merlin as part of bargain
Legendary Arthurian Characters Queen Guinever or Gwenevere Arthur’s beautiful and beloved queen Her father King Leodegrance gives Arthur the round table as a wedding present Younger than Arthur, loves him and supports him Falls passionately in love with Sir Lancelot Accused of betraying Arthur No children
Lancelot Comes from France, crosses the English channel, seeking a great king to serve Best knight of all Very religious and devout Christian Best friend to Arthur, serves him as knight, friend, and advisor Falls in love with Arthur’s queen, feels guilty and leaves Camelot to deny his love
Legendary Arthurian Characters Mordred Arthur’s son Hates Arthur because of his mother Comes to Camelot to cause trouble Accuses the queen of betraying Arthur with Lancelot Causes war among Arthur’s knights
The Influence of Romantic Literature Star Wars Lord of the Rings Harry Potter American Westerns Indiana Jones King Arthur Look for the Romantic hero; he or she is everywhere!