Adverb Clause 3 All adverb clauses are subordinate and begin with a subordinating conjunction. Adverb clauses often tell when and where.
2 Time: Where:
3 Time: while, after, before, until, whenever, when, as soon as, as long as, since Where: where, wherever
1. The avalanche had swept downward, and the mountain was treeless. 2 Remember that initial (introductory) adverb clauses are set off with a comma. 1. The avalanche had swept downward, and the mountain was treeless. [where]
1. Where the avalanche had swept downward, the mountain was treeless. 3 Remember that initial (introductory) adverb clauses are set off with a comma. 1. Where the avalanche had swept downward, the mountain was treeless.
2. Steve packed the car, and the children watered the house plants. 4 Remember that initial (introductory) adverb clauses are set off with a comma. 2. Steve packed the car, and the children watered the house plants.
2. While Steve packed the car, the children watered the house plants. 5 Remember that initial (introductory) adverb clauses are set off with a comma. 2. While Steve packed the car, the children watered the house plants.
3. He was entering the shower, and the phone rang. 4 Remember that initial (introductory) adverb clauses are set off with a comma. 3. He was entering the shower, and the phone rang. 4. He would reach for another shrimp, and his mother would clear her throat.
3. As he was entering the shower, the phone rang. 5 Remember that initial (introductory) adverb clauses are set off with a comma. 3. As he was entering the shower, the phone rang. 4. As soon as he would reach for another shrimp, his mother would clear her throat.