Succession Poster Project


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Presentation transcript:

Succession Poster Project 7th Grade Science

What you will do: Create an informational poster on either primary, secondary, or aquatic succession (you will be assigned a type of succession). Poster should be neat, easy to read, and include information listed on rubric. Resources: notes, textbook, and/or electronic devices. Work in partners or independently. Due date: 1/9/17.

RUBRIC Content Description Points Possible Points Received 10 25 20 Title, name, period Easy to read, catchy title 10 Main Idea What is a good, 7th grade definition of your type of succession? 5 Specific Details Types of organisms, time, etc. 25 What Occurs What exactly is happening? 20 Drawing Accurate, big, colorful, detailed (labeled) Words to include Rock, moss, lichen, small plants, bushes, shrubs, softwood trees (pine), hardwood trees (oaks, redwoods), climax community, pioneer species RUBRIC

Words to include on poster rock mosses lichens small plants bushes/shrubs softwood trees- pines hardwood trees- oaks, redwoods climax community pioneer species