<July 2011> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [LECIM Coexistence Considerations] Date Submitted: [19 July, 2011] Source: [David A. Howard] Company [On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.] Address [10920 Via Frontera, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92127, USA] Voice:[+1(858)592-6008], FAX: [+1(858)592-6009], E-Mail:[david.a.howard@ieee.org] Re: [] Abstract: [Discussion on coexistence considerations with respect to the LECIM.] Purpose: [Discussion within the task group TG4k.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.>
Definition of Coexist: <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <July 2011> Definition of Coexist: Coexist: Successfully operate in proximity to other wireless devices Views of coexistence: Tolerance of other systems in my space Impacts on other systems in my space Mechanism may be different for infrastructure and endpoints <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.> <author>, <company>
Infrastructure (Coordinator) <July 2011> Infrastructure (Coordinator) Minimize interference to others professional installation site survey/channel scan co channel energy detect adjacent channels Minimize interference from others adjacent channel rejection/selectivity <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.>
End point (node) Minimize interference to others <July 2011> End point (node) Minimize interference to others co channel energy detect weighted Listen Before Talk adjacent channel duty cycle power control Minimize interference from others adjacent channels adjacent channel rejection/selectivity <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.>
Passive (static) Co-existence <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <July 2011> Passive (static) Co-existence Characteristics of signals and environment Dedicated spectrum (licensed bands) Random channel access Channel alignment Low duty cycle (temporal diversity) Frequency diversity ‘Noise-like’ signal modulation Coding characteristics FEC etc… <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.> <author>, <company>
Active (dynamic) Coexistence <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <July 2011> Active (dynamic) Coexistence Active Interference Avoidance and Mitigation CCA Dynamic channel selection Sense and avoid Adaptation Transmit power control Fragmentation Channel masking (black-listing/white-listing) etc. Network separation capability Coding, timing, … Energy Detect, Scanning, etc. Cognitive Radio And so on…. <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.> <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <July 2011> Services to Consider Anything which might intentionally share the band(s) Other IEEE 802.x in same bands Widely deployed non-IEEE standards or non-standard but known Anything which may unintentionally impact the band(s) Broad spectrum unintentional radiators <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.> <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <July 2011> Services to Consider Example bands: 800/900 MHz 802.15.4 Proprietary systems 2.4GHz 802.15 (1,3,4), 802.11, Proprietary radios Microwave ovens Plasma lights And so on… <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.> <author>, <company>
Mitigation: Existing Services <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <July 2011> Mitigation: Existing Services Existing 802.15.4 (800/900 MHz or 2.4GHz) Existing MAC features are available: Channel scan, ED, etc. CCA / CSMA Methods Low duty cycles Enhanced MAC features Channel hopping Can have coordinated coexistence Proprietary systems Existing energy detect Adaptive channel hopping Can’t coordinate, may avoid <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.> <author>, <company>
Mitigation: Existing Services <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <July 2011> Mitigation: Existing Services 802.15.1 (Bluetooth) Adaptive Frequency Hopping Typically very low power Need some “respect” (leave a little spectrum) 802.11 Lots of devices in 2.4GHz Can coordinate amongst other 802.11 devices Has reasonable immunity to narrow band interferers (wide relative bandwidth) Other sources Microwave ovens Plasma lights Pet collars <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.> <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <July 2011> Coexistence Analysis Established Methodology 802.19 established methodology Ongoing refinement Simulation Potential impacts and footprints Measurement Actual data is always best <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.> <author>, <company>
Summary Co-existence is important now <July 2011> Summary Co-existence is important now Co-existence isn’t likely to become less critical in the future We need to consider coexistence measures in PHY proposals for 802.15.4k LECIM <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.>
<July 2011> Reference: 802 Coexistence http://ieee802.org/policies-and-procedures.pdf From LMSC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES REVISED Page 41 21. Procedure for Coexistence Assurance If indicated in the five criteria, the wireless working group shall produce a coexistence assurance (CA) document in the process of preparing for working group letter ballot and Sponsor ballot. The CA document shall accompany the draft on all wireless working group letter ballots. The CA document shall address coexistence with all relevant approved 802 wireless standards specifying devices for unlicensed operation. The working group should consider other specifications in their identified target band(s) in the CA document. The 802.19 TAG shall have one vote in working group letter ballots that include CA documents. As part of its ballot comments, the 802.19 TAG will verify the CA methodology was applied appropriately and reported correctly. The ballot group makes the determination on whether the coexistence necessary for the standard or amendment has been met. A representative of the 802.19 TAG should vote in all wireless Sponsor ballots that are in the scope of the 802.19 coexistence TAG. <David A. Howard>, <On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.>