Chapter 2 Section 3 Day 3
New Centers of Civilization Around 1200 B.C., several smaller groups, including the Phoenicians and the Israelites, established small kingdoms and city-states.
-invented an alphabet that was passed on to the Greeks. The Phoenicians: -improved their ships and built an extensive trading empire and colonies. -invented an alphabet that was passed on to the Greeks.
The Israelites: -a minor political force, but they created a world religion known today as Judaism. -The kingdom of Israel divided into two separate kingdoms, but multiple back to back defeats by invaders ended political independence, and Judaism became a stateless religion. -The Jews were monotheistic and believed that a covenant required obedience to the law of God. This law had been revealed to them during the exodus from Egypt.
The golden age of Israelite prophecy began in the mid-eighth century B The golden age of Israelite prophecy began in the mid-eighth century B.C. Both within the kingdom and in exile, prophets developed new concepts that became a source for universal ideals of social justice.