Thursday February 20, 2014 HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVA!!!!! Morning Work Thursday February 20, 2014 HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVA!!!!!
LA Morning Work Context Clues Affixes, Base Words The warm glow from the fireplace allowed us to see, and the fire kept us comfortable too. Which word has the same base word as comfortable approachable avoidable disappoint discomfort Context Clues After I slammed my finger in the door it began to swell. I had to put ice on it because it was so puffy. What is the meaning of the word swell as it is used in the sentence above? break grow shake tremble
MATH Morning Work Ava is creating a garden in her back yard. The length of her garden will be 3 ¼ feet and the width of her garden will be 6 2/5 feet. What is the area of her garden?
Social Studies Morning Work How is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy? Explain your answer!