Colonial India: Crown Jewel of British Empire
Europeans in South Asia Portuguese were first Europeans in India in 16th century In the 17th century the Dutch began trading in India 1600- Britain started East India Company and opened trading ports with permission of Mughals Traded cotton, silk, spices, pepper, tea, opium Indian words f/ trade: dungarees, khakis, shawl
Decline of Mughal Empire Empire became fractured amongst princes Britain and France’s competition spilled over to India 1757-Robert Clive, administrator of East India Company, drove out French forces and took over Bengal East India Company began to set up government
Tension of British Rule By 1850’s British rule prevented ritual suicide by Hindu widows and attempted to convert both Hindus/Muslims to Christianity Sepoy Rebellion- 1857- Indian soldiers for the Crown rebelled for having pork/cow grease used on cartridges. Also, being able to travel with the military caused them to lose their role in the caste system
British Raj After quelling the rebellion, Queen Victoria claimed herself Empress of India and exiled last Mughal Emperor East India Company was taken over by the British Crown and became known as the British Raj British Raj: Rule by the British Crown from 1857-1947 following the Sepoy Rebellion
Effects of British Rule Improved roads, ports, railroads, telegraphs, health care, sanitation, education During the mid-19th century, Britain completely engulfed the Indian economy because of the Industrial Revolution English language was implemented linking Indians to rest of India and world
Indian Nationalism Nationalism was strongest among British educated elites Dilemma: Become Western or return to traditional ways? Indian National Congress (INC)- Est. 1885, group of Hindus who fought for political change Mohandas Ghandi- Led INC in 1920, and helped lead Britain to declare its eventual withdrawal of India