Synthesizing across subtopics
CONNECTION SCIENTIST SUBTOPICS how scientists work What makes scientific research exciting Why people chose to become scientists Who scientists work for The purpose of science research
Teaching point Today I want to teach you that researchers investigate subtopics by noticing when multiple texts teach about the same subtopic, and asking, “How do these parts fit together? Why is this part important?”
TEACHING What is the purpose of scientific research?
Remember the Hagfish and its slime?
Quote from a website: But Douglas fudge, an interactive biologist at Canada’s University of Guelph, in Ontario, has given us a reason to embrace the goo: It may one day be used to produce a strong, ecofriendly fabric. LINK slime-animals-science-weird-fish/
Notes from article
teaching Now something from Alien Deep, page 7 A whole new world has been discovered right here on Earth, and it is being explored by a whole gallery of amazing scientists. It is a world of exotic creatures and extreme environments as bizarre as anything in my favorite science-fiction novels. It is a world of lethal landscapes where some of the most basic assumptions about life are being questioned. Even better, it is a world that, until its discovery, scientists never thought possible: the world of deep-sea hydrothermal vents. In the 35 years since the first one was discovered in 1977, hydrothermal vents have revolutionized our understanding of life: where it came from, how it evolved, and what its limits are. But our knowledge is still fragmentary.
Cross text notes
It pays to read with subtopics in mind Keep thinking how do these parts fit together? And Why is this part important? Reading this way will help you understand your subtopics more deeply.