Inertial Frame of Reference Discussion Outline Created for CVCA Physics By Dick Heckathorn 28 November 2K + 4
Table of Contents 7 Laser Disk A: 48 8 Laser Disk B: 16, 17 9 Laser Disk: Frames of Reference 13 Some Questions 19 Laser Disk _: 12, 13, 14 22 Laser Disk _: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 23 Student Analysis – Air Puck on Turntable 24 Power Point – Air Puck on Turntable 25 Riding the Rotor 26 Problem – Puck on Turntable 27 Laser Disk B: 24, 28, 29 28 Video – Rotor Geauga Lake 31 Summary
Have you ever, in a car wash… jammed your foot on the brake when you felt the car moving and then felt foolish when it wasn’t.
Have you ever, while stopped at a stoplight … jammed your foot on the brake when you felt the car moving and then felt foolish when it wasn’t.
Have you ever … thrown a ball up while riding in a car or bus and wondered how it looked from outside the car or bus?
Have you ever... ?
Have you ever... wished to be in a space shuttle approaching a space craft?
Cinema Classics Disk Side A Chapter 48 Ball being dropped from mast of ship
Cinema Classics Disk Side B Chapter 16 Airplane and Flare Snowmobile and Flare
Laser Disk Frame of Reference
Is there an absolute frame of reference? What do you think?
Newton’s Law of motion holds equally well whether reference frame is not moving at all…. or moving with constant velocity These reference frames are called inertial reference frames.
Newton’s laws work in an inertial frame of reference. They do not work in a non-inertial (accelerated) frame of reference.
When are you in an inertial frame of reference? If you are not moving or moving with a constant velocity.
Have you ever... seen books sliding across the car seat or the dash as you turned a corner?
What is the force(s) acting on the books? There are none. Why not? We are using Newton’s laws in a non-inertial (accelerated) frame.
If the reference frame is accelerating… Newton’s laws of motion do not work.
If you placed a helium filled balloon in a car or bus, what would it do when: you accelerated from rest? you accelerated to a stop? you turned a corner?
Student Investigation Transparency Student Investigation A Paper Model Ball on Turntable
Air Puck on Rotating Platform Power Point Air Puck on Rotating Platform
Demonstration Riding the Rotor
Frame of Reference Problem Power Point Frame of Reference Problem
Ball and Merry-Go-Round Dry Ice Puck on Turntable Cinema Classics Disk Circular Motion Side B Chapter 24 Ball and Merry-Go-Round Side B Chapter 28 Rotor Ride Side B Chapter 29 Dry Ice Puck on Turntable
Geauga Lake Video The Rotor
Discuss: Force(s) on ball rotating in a circle What is the outward (centriFugal) force on the ball?
There is none. Why not? We are using Newton’s laws in a non-inertial (accelerated) frame of reference where they don’t work.
Summary: Newton’s laws apply in inertial reference frames, but they do not apply in accelerated reference frames.
Is the earth accelerating? If so then why do Newton’s laws work? The expected differences are too small to observe.
1905 Einstein: a bodies mass will increase as the velocity of the body increases which is noticeable only when the body approaches the speed f light
w. ecp (207) 60 analyze pendulum hung from roof of car
Laser Disk Frames of Reference Foucault Pendulum 20. Earth and Foucault Pendulum 21. Summary
That’s all folks!