App design challenge The presentation A three-minute presentation describing your app concept will be a key piece of your Innovative App Challenge submission. This is your opportunity to capture the judges’ attention and provide visual and audio elements that will enrich your message and make your concept come alive. Set your presentation apart from all the others with these tips: • Describe the need or problem your mobile app concept addresses. • Include enough detail about your concept to enable a clear understanding of the app. How is your app idea unique? In what ways does it focus on an area of need that may not yet have been addressed? • Identify who the intended user is for the app and how your team envisions the user’s experience will be. • Describe the specific research you did on existing app solutions to determine that your concept is truly unique and is not already available in a mobile app. • Demonstrate the form and function of the app. Use sketches, mockups, even arts and crafts to create a visual representation. • Highlight your concept with creative visual elements, graphics, photos, titles, transitions, and actively engage the viewers who will judge your presentation. • Know your material so you don’t need to read from a script. It is acceptable to glance at notes occasionally, but presenters should be familiar enough with the ideas and concepts your team is trying to convey that they can speak naturally. • Practice the presentation until you can perform it smoothly. Speak slowly and enunciate clearly, varying your tone and showing appropriate emotion for the topic. • Give your team plenty of time to prepare the final version of the presentation. Assume that problems may occur and delay the process, and plan to finish at least a day before you need to. Bordered sheets available for homework.