Thursday, September 27th DREAMBOX
Create a new folder in your File Folder and Name it DREAMBOX DREAMBOX File Folder Create a new folder in your File Folder and Name it DREAMBOX ADD A FOOTER
DREAMBOX 6th Grade Lovless 7th Grade Lovless CLICK ON DREAMBOX GO TO TOOLS PAGE on THE TECHNOLOGY WEBSITE CLICK ON DREAMBOX Choose Your Grade 6th Grade Lovless 7th Grade Lovless ADD A FOOTER
SAVE this WEBSITE as a bookmark on your bookmarks bar. DreamBox Account Choose Your Grade SAVE this WEBSITE as a bookmark on your bookmarks bar. ADD A FOOTER
You have a DreamBox Login Card Username: Password: ADD A FOOTER
We will watch the video together as a class!!! DON’T LOGIN YET! We will watch the video together as a class!!!
Save this POWERPOINT in your DREAMBOX File Folder Save as “DreamBox Account First Name” ADD A FOOTER
Coach Ratty Save and Sign Out