FCHS: American Literature & Composition A Wednesday, 9/4 FCHS: American Literature & Composition A
Upcoming Dates: Unit 1 Test early next week! Picture retakes: Monday, Sept. 23rd during first, second, and third period classes. YOU MUST sign up through your English teacher by Wednesday, Sept. 18th. Please see Mr. Williams in room 2405 if you have any questions. Graduation Writing Test Sept. 25th.
Bell Ringer: NONE TODAY
Daily Agenda: Webquests = ½ credit today only Finish reading “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford. Write and answer select questions. These are due tomorrow, 9/5. Unit 1 test over Native Amer. Lit & intro to Colonialism/Puritanism early next week (Monday or Tuesday).
Daily Agenda: Timed Write: Wednesday, 9/04 You need the following out on your desk: 1) A blue/black pen or pencil 2) 2-3 sheets of paper 3 “Thanksgiving” and “Cultural Imperialism” articles, and 4) “Of Plymouth Plantation” (pg. 82 in textbooks).