Mr. McAuley’s 11th Grade english "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." -- Thomas Jefferson
Stuff you’ll need Composition book 3 ring notebook (at least 1 ½ inch rings) Paper and pencils Dividers are nice Whatever book we are reading at the time Desire
Reasons for stuff We will write in a journal virtually every day. Entries will go in your comp book. It is separate so we can turn them in; this is one of my favorite activities that we do. English Binder– organization is paramount to success for most of us. The more organized you are, the better off you’ll be. If you are trying to study for finals and you have three classes of stuff spread through a combination of your bedroom, your locker and the bottom of your book bag, it’s going to be tough. Dividers will further help with your organization. Our sections will be Grammar, Novels, Short Stories, Poetry, and Composition (different from journal comp: this is the formal essay). Having said all that, I do not plan on notebook checks: take pride in the little things and the big things will more easily fall into place. Desire is probably most important. No one can force you into something that will be effective. If you decide to do your best, everyday, you will be successful.
Communication is paramount for success Email: Remind: text @6f3382 to 81010 Webpage:
Never let the sun set on your anger If you ever have questions or concerns, please contact me. This is parents and students. If I do not know an answer, I will try and find one out for you. We are a team, not opponents. I am looking forward to a GREAT year. Go Dolphins!