Monday 4.14 DUE today: Only Bugs/Stream data NOT DUE: Anything else DUE next Monday: AA3Packet, Wbirds – details TBA Schedule adjustments x 3 WUSTL seminar cancelled this week All got 10 EP last week Sign up for owl prowl!! 30 SP!! Blackboard shutdown R, F: PQ #12 Grade distribution See Small Mammals Discussion on Slime Molds, Birds, Ch 13 Lab 10B: Plant competition
PQ #12 On a sheet of paper, answer the following: What concept, idea, etc. from the assigned readings (13.1, 13.2, wbirds thru #11, Lab 10, slime molds) was most unclear? (That is, what do you still have questions about, or what did you understand the least?) What part(s) of this same concept, idea, etc., do you understand? (That is, which part(s) can you explain clearly or which make sense?) With both of these responses in mind, what can or will you do to prepare for this concept, idea, etc. appearing on an exam?
Group 1: Exam: 76% PQ: 76.6% Total: 836.3 pts Group 2: Exam: 66% PQ: 51.1% Total: 718.3 pts Read. The. Book.
Small Mammals in Missouri All images are from Wikimedia Commons, unless otherwise identified
Eastern cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus
Nine-banded armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus
Eastern spotted skunk Spilogale putorius
Striped skunk Mephitis mephitis
Opossum Didelphis virginiana
Gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus
American mink Neovison vison
Least weasel Mustela nivalis
Eastern mole Scalopus aquaticus
Southern short-tailed shrew Blarina carolinensis
Discussion: Slime Molds PQ Questions Slime Molds: Crespi paper If cooperation represents the “core of sociality,” are microorganisms “social?” What is altruism? Does it advance fitness? Inclusive fitness? Hamilton’s rule: Help can be given if RgB – C > 0 If not? If Rg is low? If B is low? High incidence of high Rg in haplodiploid systems (many bees and wasps)
Discussion: Wbirds #1: Hypothesis in an “If X happens, then we can expect to see Y.” Let X be the definition of your dependent variable. (hint: inter/intra) #6: Is color brightness important to other males, to females, or to both? #7: If X, then Y. #9: similar to #6 #11: ??
Discussion: Ch 13 Competition is essential for selection. If resources are limiting, we expect some individuals to be better at getting available resources than others. What happens to the individuals that are better at getting resources?
Ch 13: Competition Operates at two levels: Intraspecific competition. Interspecific competition. Which do you think is more important?
Eco-? Once again, we can see that foundations of ecology have borrowed heavily from principles of economics Consider Burger King vs McDonalds. Do they compete? For what? Are their “niches” the same?
Eco-? Once again, we can see that foundations of ecology have borrowed heavily from principles of business Consider Burger King vs McDonalds. Do they compete? For what? Are their “niches” the same? Consider a third fast food restaurant
How to “win?” (at business or biology) “Find a need and fill it.” Henry Kaiser, entrepreneur So, if you were going to open a fast food restaurant, what would you do? Mimic a successful formula? Try something different?
Classic competition experiment, Georgy Gause Two spp of Paramecium, grown separately,
Paramecium BUT, when grown together,
Competitive Exclusion principle “No two species can occupy the same niche at the same time.” Obvs, this only works if Resources Are Limited Next up, models (L-V) of how these principles overlap to predict dynamics. Stay tuned!
Lab 10B: Competition Start with HALF the number of seeds instructed for all pots and all treatments In one week from today (4.21), thin to max final # (rows 3 and 5 of table)