Sources Of Energy
Introduction Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Still there is a great demand for energy. Why. Energy in the usable form , is dissipated to the surroundings in less usable forms.
Factors for a Good Source of Energy Which would do a large amount of work per unit volume or mass, Be easily accessible Be easy to store and transport Be economical
Conventional Sources of Energy Fossil Fuels Thermal Power Plant Hydro Power Plants
Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels – Coal and Petroleum . Fossil Fuels are non renewable sources of energy . Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels It causes air pollution. It causes Acid Rain. Green House Effect.
How do we create electricity?
Thermal Power Plant Fossil Fuels are burnt every day to heat up water to produce steam . The steam will further turn the turbines.
Hydro Power Plants Flowing water has Kinetic Energy and water at a height has Potential Energy. Hydro Power Plants convert Potential Energy to Electricity. Hydro Power Plants are also called Dams.
Disadvantages of Hydro Power Plant (Dams) Can only be constructed in hilly terrains. Large agricultural settlements and human habitation gets displaced. Large ecosystems are destroyed. It creates the problem of rehabilitation of displaced people.