Feedback Content 2.3.3 Types of feedback to optimise performance: intrinsic; extrinsic; concurrent; terminal 2.3.4 Interpretation and analysis of graphical representation of data associated with feedback on performance
Types of feedback Feedback is given to a performer about the quality of their work… Can happen DURING or AFTER an event Can be from the PERFORMER themselves or from SOMEONE ELSE All in the aim of improving performance by.. Correcting errors made Reinforcing correct action
Task Think back to your last training session or match you played… What feedback were you given in relation to your performance? How was it given? When was it given?
Intrinsic feedback Feedback given from within the performer Sense Organs within your body called Proprioceptors give brain information about position of the body Kinaesthetic sense-Knowing if a skill feels correct Not possible as a beginner as you don’t know what the skill should feel like Valuable as it allows performer to correct own errors
Task Extend your arms fully out to your side Close your eyes Try to bring your arms straight out in front of you so your index fingers together. Now repeat but try to see how close your can get them without them touching What information are you receiving?
Extrinsic feedback Feedback given from outside of the performer Usually a Coach or Teacher but can also be a peer Essential when a performer is first learning the skill as they aren’t able to correct their own errors Normally given in verbal form concentrating on a specific teaching point
Concurrent feedback Given whilst the performer is still completing the skill Calling out a coaching point during the movement Helps to add concentration towards that point E.g. Reminding a Tennis player to extend to their full height when striking the ball Can also be Intrinsic, you know when a skills feel correct whilst performing Alan Pardew
Terminal feedback Given after the performance has finished Might be used as they aren’t allowed to give feedback during performance- Tennis Might be used because the movement is too quick to provide feedback Can also be Intrinsic, you know if a skills felt correct after performing
Task For each of the following explain which type(s) of feedback could/would be used and why… Professional basketball player shooting a free-throw Beginner learning to drive a golf ball Table tennis return of serve
Which type of feedback to use? Ability of the performer More able can rely on intrinsic rather than needing a coach More able can process concurrent feedback Type of skill being performed Complex skill may be difficult to give concurrent feedback for If the skill is completed quickly then concurrent feedback is difficult to give Where is the skill being performed If during a competition concurrent may not be possible